Nicole Nour Coaching


               Nicole is a Certified Life Coach based in Los Angeles. Her holistic approach brings clarity, direction, and positive support for her clients. Nicole helps clients live their best life, by filling the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be. By identifying where growth is desired, setting goals and objectives, and holding accountability, clients will reach their highest goals and dreams.

Are you going through a stage in your life where you feel lost, confused, or conflicted? Do you feel like you're disconnected with the people around you, friends, co-worker's or even with yourself? Are you feeling a lack of motivation, or lack and understanding of your true purpose? Do you yearn for a romantic partner or the perfect job? Or do you just want to upgrade your life to the next level? Nicole is trained in helping people find themselves, find direction, and true happiness in all aspects of their lives.

We all have a light within us. You are already born with the qualities you will need to get everything you have ever wanted! Nicole helps her clients reach each milestone, one at a time. With an ultimate end goal of satisfaction and success.


Nicole Specializes In:

Self Esteem / Self Love

Life Purpose

Balanced Life

Goal Implementation & Execution

Career Development

Relationships / Love

Personal Growth

Goal Recognition